hey guys! its my first time making neocities !! wow crazy. this is still work in progress btws... hope u enjoy stalking my page. if u are still here then listen to me ramble about something (also today is new years eve of 2024 when im writing this!). i know its winter break and i promised myself that i would work a ton on my game but i haven't gotten a lot done. i need to finish making sprites, code in renpy, write the story, ummm thats all i can think of. and i just got the hang of coding in renpy but then i saw more interesting stuff that would be cool to add to my game but it is SO HARD to code. i dont even know why i am majoring in compsci I HATE CODING. ok just kidding but i hate the majority of people that major in it for obvious reasons. now i have to wait until i graduate from highschool to meet even more smelly people. girl bye. im going to watch squid game season 2 now. tootles
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